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What’s Your Perspective?

By: Jamie Stone, Chief Planning Officer “…you know what I’m craving? A little perspective. That’s it. I’d like some fresh, clear, well-seasoned perspective.” – Anton Ego (Ratatouille). As the father of three young boys, most of my cultural references these days are from some sort of children’s programming. But I … Continued

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2022 Volatility and The Long View

“All past declines look like an opportunity, all future declines look like a risk” —Morgan Housel To say 2022 has been a difficult year for the stock market would be an understatement. As of its close on Friday, May 6th, the S&P 500 index was down 14% from its all-time … Continued

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Celebrating a Special Milestone

2022 is a special year for Means Wealth Management, as it marks Paul’s 50th year with the firm!  For anyone who has had the pleasure of working with Paul over the past 50 years, you know that he is incredibly passionate about clients, the Firm and the investment industry.  You … Continued

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Find Means Wealth on the List of Maine-Based Registered Investment Advisers

Find Means Wealth on the List of Maine-Based Registered Investment Advisers.

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A Wall of Worry

Only two months into the new year, 2022 has already been a long year in the stock market. Last week, the S&P 500 index hit correction territory—which means that it is down more than 10%. The Nasdaq, which is primarily made up of tech stocks, is currently down more than … Continued

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How to React to Market Volatility

Those who have been investing for decades know that the market is cyclical.  We move from bull market to bear market and back again, often at different intervals but always between the two.  The bull periods can be fun and exciting.  The bear periods can be uncomfortable. As of this … Continued

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Starting the New Year with a Focus on Financial Fitness

Every year, millions of people ring in the New Year by making resolutions and establishing goals.  You know the common ones:  exercise more, eat less junk food, spend more time with family, learn a new skill, and so on.  Setting your goals and ensuring your daily habits align with those … Continued

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Perspectives 2021/2022

Check out our 2021/2022 Perspectives!

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8 Items to Consider Prior to Year-End

With the holiday season and end of year almost upon us, many are finding their “to-do” list is quickly growing.  Here are 8 items we want to ensure are on your end-of-year checklist: Maximize your retirement contributions. If you are eligible to participate in a 401(k), 403(b), or 457 plan, … Continued

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Press Release

Means Wealth Management Announces New Leadership Means Wealth Management, a family-owned wealth management and retirement planning firm established in 1935, serving clients nationwide from its offices in Maine and South Carolina, announced the following changes in leadership: Paul B. Means, Chairman (formerly President), Zachary P. Means, President (formerly CEO) and … Continued

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Exciting Changes at Means

I hope this note finds you and your family well. I have exciting news to share with you regarding changes at our firm. Over the last few years, thanks to our wonderful clients, friends, and employees, our firm has grown immensely. When I started at the firm in late 2009, … Continued

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How to Approach the Proposed Tax Changes

It is hard to believe that the days are already growing shorter.  Before we know it, the end of the year will be upon us, which means tax planning season is just around the corner.  At present, there is much uncertainty surrounding the upcoming tax season.  Earlier this year the … Continued

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