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Why Do the Markets Do Well When the Economy Isn’t?

The last few days notwithstanding, the stock market has staged a significant recovery from the market lows we saw in late March. While off its all-time high reached in February, the S&P 500 stands at a level that was first reached in the last quarter of 2019. Yet the economy … Continued

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What’s Next?

I always enjoy writing with good news. I have some for you today. As I write this, the S&P is up roughly 32% from its lows in March. We are only down a “mere” 13% from its all-time highs. It seems like a long way to go to get back … Continued

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CARES Act: RMDs, Charitable Giving, & IRA Contributions

Last week Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), a $2,000,000,000,000 (two trillion) dollar stimulus package. National news outlets have covered the most well-known benefits; taxpayer payments, tax filing deadline delays and modified COVID-19 related sick time. Additional, less known benefits like the 2020 “RMD Holiday”, updated … Continued

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A Message from Means Wealth

 Good Afternoon, Over the last few weeks, the consternation concerning personal health, our families, the markets, and the economy has been palpable. Like you, I am concerned. These are no doubt challenging times. Many clients expressed how different this situation feels, and I certainly cannot argue that. This is … Continued

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Stocking Your Financial Planning Toolbox: Traditional & Roth IRAs

Having a well-stocked toolbox is key and you likely will want to use a variety of tools throughout the process. One of the best tools to consider “purchasing” for your toolbox is the Individual Retirement Account (IRA).

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2020: Trump, Iran, & RMDs

Well, the first 20 days of 2020 have been very eventful. Trump is continuing with his never-ending tweets; Iran shot down a civilian Ukrainian airliner and shot missiles at US bases in Iraq; US and Iran tensions are higher than they have been in years; and if you turn 70.5 … Continued

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Recession? You Bet! Keep Reading…

Will we have a recession? Is it coming? The answers to those questions are, “yes.” However, please keep reading. What nobody truly knows is when a recession will actually take place. Economists use charts, data, surveys-all of which are great but provide no clear indication of a recession. I’ve been … Continued

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Socially Responsible Investing

Often investing focuses mainly on profits and returns. However, return doesn’t just have to be about the amount of money you earn. It can be about making a difference in the world you live in. Studies show helping others and charitable giving are two keys to lasting happiness and personal … Continued

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Bitcoin, Blockchain, & Cryptocurrency

A Basic Explanation of Bitcoin Bitcoin is a form of cryptocurrency, just like the U.S. Dollar is a form of traditional currency. Theoretically, you can use cryptocurrency (crypto) to buy things online or in person. In practice, many merchants do not accept cryptocurrencies due to their high volatility. Unlike traditional … Continued

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Q2 2019 Recap & Commentary

The spring months for financial markets (Q2 2019) were marked with new all-time highs, increased volatility, and plenty of geopolitical tension. In April, the S&P 500 reached an all-time closing high. In May, many investors were spooked by the lack of progress in trade negotiations between the U.S. and China. … Continued

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June 2019 Commentary

What a long, strange trip it’s been. The year 2019 started with strong growth. The market jumped in January to an 8% growth rate and continued its rise through February. A detour emerged in March that has taken the markets into choppy waters. Slowing growth after a busy first two … Continued

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Active vs. Passive

“Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.” – Paul Samuelson In most areas of life, the harder you work, the better your results should be. Similarly, the quicker you make decisions and actions, the … Continued

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